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Hybrid Q&A Session concerning the future of the RIBA Collections and the House of Architecture Project

  • Online: register in advance (map)

Bookings for this event are now closed. Many thanks to those who have registered. If you are joining the Webinar, please do not forget to use the blue link in your email in advance. This will send you all information you need.

We will be developing a transcript of the event and reporting some of the information in the next issue of our SAHGB Members’ Magazine.

Since the news of the ending of the partnership between the RIBA and V+A broke last year, the SAHGB’s Chair, Elizabeth Darling, and Bob Allies, member of the Council, have been liaising with RIBA to ensure that members’ interests are represented in the discussions about the Collections’ future. Our recent report can be read here.

We can announce that Oliver Urquhart-Irvine MVO, Executive Director of Architecture Programmes and Collections, RIBA, will join us for a hybrid Q+A session about the collections move on 29 February 2024. We will hold this with limited spaces in person, in London (Blackfriars area), and as a Zoom webinar with a Q+A function.

Bookings closed on 27 February, and we regret we cannot offer places on the door.

Members and external participants are welcome to participate but those wishing to attend will receive an email with registration instructions after indicating interest below, and to submit questions, in advance, for either the Zoom webinar or in-person places. You need to respond to the email you receive after giving brief initial information here on this page.

For any queries, if you have registered already, please use We may not be able to respond in the afternoon of 29 February.

Calling SAHGB Members!

For those who use the website to renew annually from Jan-December, membership subscriptions are now due.

We encourage you to book for our Annual Lecture, on 14 March, ‘Architecture and Affect in the Middle Ages’, given by Prof. Paul Binski.

22 February

Seminar: The Construction Businesses of Early Modern London, with Judy Stephenson

14 March

The SAHGB Annual Lecture. Architecture and Affect in the Middle Ages: Professor Paul Binski