Call for Papers: Ongoing and Emerging Discourses on African Architectural Practices

Call for Papers: Open to 21 March 2024

Conference: 03 - 09 July 2024, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Call for papers

Recognising that discourses about African architecture and urban planning are more complex than the bifurcated ‘traditional’/‘colonial’ or ‘African’/‘Western’ models which tend to dominate current research, writing, environmental design and spatial design practices in the continent, this conference welcomes contributions that critically examine the status quo(s) of these disciplines, be that in terms of academic, practice, national or regulatory institutions, or as imagined by policy-makers through forms of urban development that are then disseminated to the public.

Funding is being provided for academics/architects from the African continent to enable some delegates to take part in the conference through the generosity of the UCL/Wits Strategic Partner scheme

Details about the sessions and how to submit a proposal are given here.


Professor Nnamdi Elleh (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

Professor Murray Fraser (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL) 

Professor Eva Branscome (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL) 


SAHGB’s Annual Architectural History Symposium for PhD and Early Career Researchers: CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended to 19 May


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