John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize and David R. Coffin Publication Grant

The UVA Center for Cultural Landscapes invites you to submit publications from your press for this year’s John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize and David R. Coffin Publication Grant

The John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize is awarded to books published in the last three years that have made a significant contribution to the study and understanding of garden history and landscape design. The David R. Coffin Publication Grant supports the production of a publication of a manuscript under contract in the field of landscape studies. 

Award recipients will be selected by a jury composed of four landscape studies scholars who serve staggered three-year terms. The jury chair is Elizabeth Meyer, founding director of the Center for Cultural Landscapes. Detailed descriptions of the eligibility requirements,  the application procedures, and past winners for each award can be found on the Center for Cultural Landscapes website.

The application deadline for both awards is January 1, 2023. We welcome nominations for the John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize and the David R. Coffin Publication Grant from both publishers and authors. 

 Please submit all inquiries to with the subject heading: 2023 Book Prize Nomination. I will forward the addresses of the jury so you can send book copies to them. 



Heritages Past and Present - Built and Social: A Conference on Culture, History, Art and Design