RIBA Library and Collections Survey: thank you for your engagement

The RIBA Library at 66, Portland Place - a resource essential for architectural history researchers in the UK - has now closed its online user survey. Thanks to all members, and those with architectural history research interests, who took part.

For further news on the House of Architecture Project, and the latest information we have about the collections stored at RIBA’s three main sites, 66 Portland Place, the V+A Museum’s study rooms, and the Piper Centre, please see the latest update, sent as a members’ e-bulletin on 25th August.

To express interest in the RIBA Q and A, please see the diary under What’s On

Due to the postponement of this event, places are still bookable and we welcome both members and external participants.


Launch of a new SAHGB fund for publications in memory of Mark Girouard


The SAHGB Study Tour to Manchester: September 2023